Karting life started out in the long standing NatSKA organisation through my high school at the keen age of 12, firstly in a school owned Comer, Honda GX160, then finally the class I find myself racing today, TKM. If it wasn’t for the D.T teacher who ran the team and all the volunteers who dedicated their time to the org, I highly doubt I would of ever found the sport.
Black Flag in general is a design focused Karting brand, inspired by all the ins and outs of the sport, some stuff serious, mostly not… A lot of people in and outside of karting see it as a very serious, strict and money grabbing venture. In some respects they’re correct, but experiencing it how I did through Schools Karting, I was shown the value, humour and friendship this sport garners! I hope to translate a bit of all of that through my work on here.